bolt | Defining namespace for the Bolt project |
amp | Namespace containing AMP related data types and functions |
detail | |
amp | |
bool_to_int | |
is_true | |
CountIfEqual | |
pair_get | |
pair_get< 0, Pair > | |
pair_get< 1, Pair > | |
std_sort | |
std_sort_comp | |
std_stable_sort | |
std_stable_sort_comp | |
control | |
debug | |
device_vector_tag | |
create_empty_array | |
device_vector | This defines the AMP version of a device_vector |
const_reference_base | |
iterator_base | Base class provided to encapsulate all the common functionality for constant and non-constant iterators |
reference_base | A writeable element of the container The location of an element of the container may not actually reside in system memory, but rather in device memory, which may be in a partitioned memory space. Access to a reference of the container results in a mapping and unmapping operation of device memory |
reverse_iterator_base | A reverse random access iterator in the classic sense |
unary_function | |
binary_function | |
square | |
cube | |
negate | |
plus | |
minus | |
multiplies | |
divides | |
maximum | |
minimum | |
modulus | |
bit_and | |
bit_or | |
bit_xor | |
logical_not | |
equal_to | |
not_equal_to | |
greater | |
identity | |
less | |
greater_equal | |
less_equal | |
logical_and | |
logical_or | |
equal_to_value | |
not_pred | |
pair | |
unary_negate | |
tuple_element< 0, pair< T1, T2 > > | |
tuple_element< 1, pair< T1, T2 > > | |
tuple_size< pair< T1, T2 > > | |
constant_unary | |
new_value_if | |
unary_transform_if_functor | |
binary_negate | |
constant_iterator_tag | |
constant_iterator | |
Payload | |
counting_iterator_tag | |
counting_iterator | |
iterator_traits | |
iterator_traits< T * > | |
iterator_traits< const T * > | |
fancy_iterator_tag | |
permutation_iterator_tag | |
permutation_iterator | |
transform_iterator_tag | |
transform_iterator | |
cl | Namespace containing OpenCL related data types and functions |
detail | |
cl | |
Count_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
GatherIf_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
GatherKernelTemplateSpecializer | |
Reduce_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
ReduceByKey_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
Scan_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
ScanByKey_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
ScatterIf_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
ScatterKernelTemplateSpecializer | |
KernelParameterStrings | |
Transform_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
TransformUnary_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
TransformReduce_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
TransformScan_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
BinarySearch_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
Copy_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
Fill_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
Generate_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
Merge_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
Min_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
pair_get | |
pair_get< 0, Pair > | |
pair_get< 1, Pair > | |
RadixSort_Int_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
RadixSort_Uint_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
RadixSort_Common_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
RadixSort_Float_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
RadixSortByKey_Int_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
RadixSortByKey_Uint_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
RadixSortByKey_Common_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
std_sort | |
std_sort_comp | |
StableSort_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
StableSort_by_key_KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
std_stable_sort | |
std_stable_sort_comp | |
input_output_iterator_tag | |
iterator_facade_default_category | |
is_iterator_category | |
is_iterator_traversal | |
iterator_category_with_traversal | |
facade_iterator_category_impl | |
facade_iterator_category | |
ia_dflt_help | |
iterator_adaptor_base | |
old_category_to_traversal | |
always_bool2 | |
apply | |
enable_if_interoperable | |
distance_from_result | |
operator_brackets_proxy | |
choose_difference_type | |
apply | |
transform_iterator_base | |
KernelTemplateSpecializer | |
ProgramMapKey | This structure ensures that a kernel is compiled only once for specified devices |
ProgramMapValue | |
ProgramMapKeyComp | |
control | |
debug | |
device_vector_tag | |
device_vector | This defines the OpenCL version of a device_vector |
iterator_base | Base class provided to encapsulate all the common functionality for constant and non-constant iterators |
Payload | |
reference_base | A writeable element of the container The location of an element of the container may not actually reside in system memory, but rather in device memory, which may be in a partitioned memory space. Access to a reference of the container results in a mapping and unmapping operation of device memory |
reverse_iterator_base | A reverse random access iterator in the classic sense |
pair | |
tuple_element< 0, pair< T1, T2 > > | |
tuple_element< 1, pair< T1, T2 > > | |
tuple_size< pair< T1, T2 > > | |
constant_iterator_tag | |
constant_iterator | |
Payload | |
counting_iterator_tag | |
counting_iterator | |
Payload | |
enable_if_convertible | |
iterator_adaptor | |
no_traversal_tag | |
incrementable_traversal_tag | |
single_pass_traversal_tag | |
forward_traversal_tag | |
bidirectional_traversal_tag | |
random_access_traversal_tag | |
iterator_category_to_traversal | |
iterator_traversal | |
iterator_core_access | |
iterator_facade | |
input_iterator_tag | |
output_iterator_tag | |
forward_iterator_tag | |
bidirectional_iterator_tag | |
random_access_iterator_tag | |
fancy_iterator_tag | |
iterator_traits | |
iterator_traits< T * > | |
iterator_traits< const T * > | |
iterator_value | |
iterator_pointer | |
iterator_reference | |
iterator_difference | |
iterator_category | |
memory_system | |
permutation_iterator_tag | |
permutation_iterator | |
Payload | |
transform_iterator_tag | |
transform_iterator | |
Payload | |
ArrayPool | |
PoolEntry | |
synchronized_view | |
ClCode | The definition of a type trait for the definition of a type, which could be arbitrarily complex |
iterator_facade | |
transform_iterator | |
tuple_element | |
tuple_element | |
tuple_size | |
tuple_size | |
TypeName | |